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Daniel Pipes

A fact finding expedition to Israel with Daniel Pipes, focusing on the Negev and Bedouins.

April 26 - May 5, 2015

register online or call 800 355 9994

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Invitation from Daniel Pipes

Dear Reader:

Our successful fact-finding expeditions to Israel in 2012 and to Cyprus in 2013 encourages me to lead a third group. Please join me on a visit to Israel on April 26-May 5, 2015. We will explore the swirl of issues surrounding the Negev with emphasis on unrest among the Bedouins, persistent enemy efforts to penetrate Israel’s borders, and plans to integrate the desert more into the rest of the country.

We will briefly spend time in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, but mostly we will focus on the majestic Negev desert, its inhabitants, and its issues. In addition to my analysis throughout the trip, you will hear explanations by some of Israel’s best guides and lectures by top experts, including policymakers, business leaders, journalists, academics, security & defense experts, and IDF officers from both the Jewish Israeli and Bedouin communities.

Travel will be in latest-model tour buses and first-class hotels, with great meals and warm companionship. I welcome you to an inexpensive, informative, and enjoyable trip and very much hope you can join me in the spring of 2015. Space is limited, please reserve your place today.

Daniel Pipes